Brand Control Solutions
Product Type Non-Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description Eraser 41% Systemic Weed Control is a weed and grass killer concentrate that is great for non-selective broad-spectrum control of annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees. This post-emergent systemic herbicide contains 41% glyphosate with a surfactant included to increase effectiveness. In addition, Eraser has no residual soil activity, and is relatively non-toxic to dogs and other domestic animals. Eraser will only kill the plants, weeds and shrubs that you spray directly.
Target Pests Annual weeds and grasses controlled: Annual Ryegrass, Annual Bluegrass, Barnyardgrass, Beggarweed, Black Medic, Blue Medic, Blue Toadflax, Brassbuttons, Blue Mustard, Bromegrass, Bur Clover, Buttercup, Cheeseweed, Chickweed, Clover, Common Groundsel, Common Lambsquarters, Common Plantain, Common Ragweed, Crabgrass, Creeping Beggarweed, Diffuse Lovegrass, Dog Fennel, Evening Primrose, False Dandelion, Fall Panicum, Fennel, Fiddleneck, Field Pennycress, Field Sandbur, Filaree, Florida Pusley, Foxtail, Garden Spurge, Goosegrass, Green Foxtail, Hemp Sesbania, Henbit, Horseweed/Marestail, Ironweed, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Little Bitter Cress, London Rocket, Maiden Cane, Mallow, Mayweed, Mouseear Chickweed, Oxalis, Pennsylvania Smartweed, Pennywort, Pigweed, Pickly Lettuce, Prostrate Spurge, Puncture Vine, Purslane, Redroot Pigweed, Sandspur, Shepherdspurse, Smartweed, Smooth Cat’s Ear, Smooth Pigweed, Sowthistle, Spotted Spurge, Sprangletop, Spurges, Tansy Mustard, Tansy Ragwort, Teaweed, Texas Panicum, Tumble Mustard, Velvetleaf, Wild Geranium, Witchgrass, Wild Mustard, Yellow Nutgrass, and Yellow Oxalis. Perennial weeds, grasses and brush controlled: Alder, Artichoke Thistle, Bahiagrass, Barnyardgrass, Bentgrass, Bermuda Grass, Blackberries, Bluegrass, Broadleaf Plantain, Brownseed Paspalum, Buckhorn Plantain, Bull Thistle, Canada Thistle, Cattail, Ceanothus, Centipedegrass, Cherry, Cocklebur, Cogongrass, Common Mullein, Common Ragweed, Coralbead, Coyote Brush, Creeping Bentgrass, Creeping Charlie, Creeping Lantana, Curly Dock, Dallisgrass, Dandelion, Dewberry, Dog Fennel, Elderberry, False Dandelion, Fescue Species, Field Bindweed, Guineagrass, Hairy Crabgrass, Honeysuckle, Horsenettle, Horseradish, Iceplant, Johnsongrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Kikuyugrass, Knapweed, Knawel, Kudzu, Lantana, Maiden Cane, Milkweed, Mouseear chickweed, Multflora Rose, Nimblewill, Nutgrass (Nutsedge), Oak species, Oldenlandia, Orchardgrass, Oxalis, Pampasgrass, Pennywort, Perennial Ryegrass, Plantain, Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Poison Hemlock, Primrose, Purple Cudweed, Purple Nutsedge, Quackgrass, Quaking Aspen, Ragweed, Raspberry, Red Clover, Smooth Bromegrass, Sourdock, Sowthistle, St. Augustinegrass, Sumac, Tall Fescue, Tansy Ragwort, Thistle, Timothy, Torpedograss, Trumpetcreeper, Vaseygrass, Virginia Creeper, White Clover, Whitetop, Wild Barley, Wild Blackberry, Wild Carrot, Wild Morning-glory, Wild Oats, Wild-Sweet Potato, Willow, Yarrow, Yellow Nutgrass, Yellow Starthistle, Zoysia and many other perennial grasses, weeds, brush, vines, and sedges.
For Use In Residential outdoor and gardens NOT recommended for spot weed treatment in lawns, since Eraser kills all green plants, including lawn grasses
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Broadcast Spray, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients Glyphosate 41%
Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Shelf Life Eraser will last for 3 to 5 years when stored in a cool dry place.
EPA Registration Number 53883-286
Manufacture Name Control Solutions

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