Product Description

Compass is a site-specific fungicide for use on turf grass and ornamentals with protective and curative activity. Compass penetrates the plant and is absorbed in the plant via a high natural liking for the waxy layer of the plant surface.

Product Benefits

  • Protective and curative: Compass Fungicide can be used both to prevent and treat diseases.
  • Weather-resistant: Compass Fungicide forms a weather-resistant layer on the plant to provide continuous disease control.
  • Low use rates: Compass Fungicide can be used at low rates.
  • Compatible with other products: Compass Fungicide is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, and foliar nutrient products.
  • Reduced risk: The EPA classifies Compass Fungicide as a reduced-risk compound.
  • No known resistance: Compass Fungicide has no known resistance and a low risk of developing resistance.
  • Disrupts ATP production: Compass Fungicide disrupts ATP production, which is important for fueling physiological processes within fungi cells.
Brand Compass
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Compass 50 WG is a broad-spectrum strobilurin fungicide that delivers the value of a contact with the power of a systemic.
Target Pests Turf diseases: Anthracnose, brown patch, gray leaf spot, leaf spot, red thread, snow mold, yellow patch.Ornamental diseases: Black spot, leaf spot, rust, scab.Please see the product label for a full list of pests.
For Use In Turf-grass: Golf Courses, Lawns,Sod Farms, Parks, Cemeteries, Ornamentals grown in Interiorscapes, Field Nursery Plantings, Forest Nurseries, Landscapes, Greenhouses, Lath and Shadehouses, Containers, and other enclosed structures
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Broadcast Spray, Drench Treatment, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients Trifloxystrobin - 50.0%
Chemical Type Fungicide
Formulation Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)
Shelf Life Compass 50 WG Fungicide will last up to 3 years when stored in a cool dry place.
1.30 lbs.
EPA Registration Number 432-1371
Manufacture Name Envu (Formerly Bayer)

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