Brand Vexis
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Vexis Herbicide Granular uses the proprietary new active ingredient pyrimisulfan to deliver exceptional control of sedge and kyllinga species, plus listed broadleaf weeds.
Target Pests Nutsedge (purple and yellow), Kyllingas (cockscomb, green, false green), Common chickweed, Hairy bittercress, Henbit, Buckhorn plantain, Dollarweed, Other labeled broadleaf weeds.
For Use In Residential/domestic sites, Ornamental turf sites, Institutional sites, Non-cropland sites, Agricultural site, Established Cool-Season Turfgrass, Established Warm-Season Turfgrass.
Application Methods Apply 2 lb of product per 500 sq.ft. (174 lb of product per acre). Retreatment after 30 days is allowed but do not apply more than a total of 8.26 lb per 1000 sq.ft. per year (360 lb of product per acre per year).
Active Ingredients Pyrimisulfan - 0.025%
Formulation Granular.
15 lbs
EPA Registration Number 2217-1024
Manufacture Name PBI Gordon Corporation

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