Product Description

Mavrik Perimeter insecticide concentrated is for the treatment of perimeters around residential and commercial establishments. Mavrik is known for its quick control with no lingering odors or residues. Offers contact control of a wide list of pests known to be found around the perimeter of most buildings

Product Benefits

  • For use around outside surfaces and around buildings (perimeter treatment)
  • Immediate knockdown of a variety of insects including ants and mosquitoes outdoors
Brand Mavrik
Product Type Non-Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description Mavrik perimeter is for perimeter treatment against a wide range of insects including mosquitoes and fire ants.
Target Pests Aphids, Thrips, Clover Mites, Whiteflies, Bagworm, Canker Worm, Brown Dog Ticks, American Dog Ticks, Fleas, Ants, Fire Ants, Crickets, Armyworms, Springtails, Mosquitoes, Earwigs, Millipedes*, American Cockroaches, Smoky Brown Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, Boxelder Bugs, Spiders, Silverfish, Firebrats, Chinch Bugs, Asian Lady Beetles*, Sowbugs, Fire Ants and other mounding ant pests. Please see the product label for a full list of pests. * Except in California
For Use In For commercial use only on outdoor plants in ornamental plantings, Plantscapes (including trees and shrubs) and for perimeter treatment around Buildings and outside surfaces
Application Equipment No
Application Methods No
Active Ingredients Tau-fluvalinate 22.3%
Chemical Type No
Formulation No
Shelf Life No
0.67 lbs
EPA Registration Number 2724-478
Manufacture Name Zoecon

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