Brand Syngenta
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Heritage Fungicide is a preventative and post-emergent fungicide that takes care of a large variety of diseases. The product works by inhibiting the mitochondria of the fungi from respirating, stopping their growth and killing them. Heritage works on ornamental plants and turf grasses, being absorbed through the crowns, leaves, and roots of the plant. Just spray the diseased plant with Heritage and the fungus will die within days. Do not water the treated area within 24 hours of application, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the product. Fitting into many resistance programs, Heritage offers long-term disease control and increases the quality of turf-grass.
Target Pests Leaf, Flower Blights, Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Rusts, Brown Patch, Gray Leaf Spot, Summer Patch, zoysia patch, pythium blight and snow mold
For Use In Golf Courses, Sod Farms, Ornamental, Commercial and Residential Lawns and Landscapes, Institutional, Public, Commercial and Industrial Building, Parks, Recreational areas, Shade-houses, Greenhouses, Nurseries, and Athletic Fields
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Chemigation System, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Broadcast Spray, Overhead Sprinkler Irrigation, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients Azoxystrobin 50%
Formulation Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)
Shelf Life Heritage Fungicide will last for 3 years when stored in a dry, clean location.
EPA Registration Number 100-1093

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