NOT for use on St. Augustinegrass Also, Do Not use Dismiss with a surfactant

Product Type Non Agricultural (Non-Ag)
Description Dismiss South Herbicide is a selective post-emergent that controls annual grasses, broad-leaf weeds and sedges. Like the original Dismiss Herbicide, Dismiss South kills green kyllinga, purple nutsedge and yellow nutsedge (as well as other common broadleaf weeds) faster than the competition. However, the main difference between Dismiss and Dismiss South Herbicide is that the latter has an enhanced efficacy against purple nutsedge in warm-season grasses. The product goes beyond just attacking the weed on the surface, by penetrating the soil and controlling the sedge tubers. This prevents future outbreaks, reducing the need for re-treats and helping to reduce chemical and labor costs.
Target Pests Black medic, Chickweed, Crabgrass, Clover, Dandelion, Goosegrass, Ground Ivy, Henbit, Nutsedge, Pigweed, Plantain, Spurge, Wild Onion, Wild Garlic, Woodsorrel and more
For Use In Commercial, Residential and Institutional Warm-Season Lawns: Athletic Fields, Sod Farms, Golf Course Fairways and Roughs and many others
Application Equipment Backpack Sprayer, Hose End Sprayer, Pump Sprayer, Spray Rig
Application Methods Broadcast Spray, Spot Treatment
Active Ingredients Sulfentrazone 33.33% Imazethapyr 6.67%
Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Shelf Life Dismiss South Herbicide can remain effective for 1 to 3 years when stored in a cool, dry place.
EPA Registration Number 279-3351

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