Brand Prime Source
Product Type Agricultural (Ag)
Description Prime Source AzProp Select is specially formulated to control disease-causing pathogens to turfgrasses. Contains two powerful active ingredients that help prevent fungal diseases on plants. It provides broad-spectrum preventive control to lawns, landscapes, golf courses, athletic fields, residential and commercial buildings, and recreational areas and parks. This product controls pathogens causing diseases such as dollar spot, leaf rust, anthracnose, leaf spot, brown patch, pink patch, red thread, bentgrass dead spot, and powdery mildew. It offers convenience because it may be tank mixed or used alternately with other spray programs as a foliar spray. For better results, continuous application of the product together with other fungicides is highly recommended.
Target Pests Anthracnose, Bentgrass Dead Spot, Dollar spot, Fairy Ring, Gray Leaf Spot, Gray Snow mold, Leaf Rust, Leaf Spot, Melting Out, Pink patch, Pink Snow Mold, Powdery Mildew, Pythium Blight, Pythium Root Rot, Red Thread, Summer patch, Take-All Patch
For Use In Commercial & Residential: Golf courses, Office Buildings, Landscape areas, Parks, Recreational areas, Athletic fields
Application Methods Must be applied prior to disease development
Active Ingredients Propiconazole 9.54% Azoxystrobin methyl 5.73%
Formulation Professional Product
EPA Registration Number 89442-41

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